Kentucky US Senate race 2014 ============================ FINAL OFFICIAL RESULT RCP POLL-AVERAGE Mitch McConnell (R) 56.19 49.0 Alison Lundergan Grimes (D) 40.73 41.8 David M. Patterson (Libertarian) 3.08 3.9 M-G margin 15.46 7.2 RCP poll average 15 oct - 1 nov. NBC News/Marist* 10/27 - 10/30 556 LV 4.2 50 41 McConnell +9 PPP (D)* 10/30 - 11/1 1503 LV 2.5 50 42 McConnell +8 Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA* 10/25 - 10/29 597 LV 4.1 48 43 McConnell +5 CBS News/NYT/YouGov* 10/16 - 10/23 1502 LV 4.0 45 39 McConnell +6 Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA* 10/15 - 10/19 655 LV 3.9 44 43 McConnell +1 Rasmussen Reports 10/15 - 10/16 1000 LV 3.0 52 44 McConnell +8 Western Kentucky Univ.* 10/6 - 10/19 LV 4.1 45 42 McConnell +3 FOX News* 10/4 - 10/7 706 LV 3.5 45 41 McConnell +4 Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA* 9/29 - 10/2 632 LV 4.0 44 46 Grimes +2 CBS News/NYT/YouGov* 9/20 - 10/1 1689 LV 3.0 47 41 McConnell +6 Reuters/Ipsos 9/8 - 9/12 944 LV 3.6 46 42 McConnell +4 NBC News/Marist* 9/2 - 9/4 691 LV 3.7 47 39 McConnell +8 Outrageously (but as too-often happens) Grimes was the secretary of state overseeing her _own_ election. However, considering she lost big, it would not appear she was cheating... Approval-style and score-style polls NBC News/Marist Poll: Kentucky 27-30 October, 556 LVs, Fav/Unfav McConnell 44/49 Grimes 42/47 Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA* 10/25 - 10/29 597 LV; Fav/Neutral/Unfav (No opinion) McConnell 37/13/44 (5) Grimes 37/14/43 (6) Western Kentucky Univ 6-19 Oct Favorable Unfavorable Not Enough Info Mitch McConnell 44% 51% 5% Alison Lundergan Grimes 38% 47% 15% The RCP average apparently was based on 6 polls of 556+1503+597+1502+655+1000=5813 LVs. Hence std error sqrt(40*60/5813) = 0.643% which for extimating the McC-Grime vote DIFFERENCE needs to double to 1.285% of the #voters. Hence the discrepancy 15.46-7.2=8.26 is 8.26/1.285=6.43 standard deviations. This is an event of probability<7*10^(-11). If we instead based our error-reckoning on inter-poll discrepancies then the 6 polls unweighted average is m = (9+8+5+6+1+8)/6 = 6.167 margin for McConnell. Their sample standard deviation is sqrt( ((9-m)^2 + (8-m)^2 + (5-m)^2 + (6-m)^2 + (1-m)^2 + (8-m)^2)/5 ) = 2.926. Then the discrepancy is 8.26/2.926=2.82 standard deviations, an event of probability 0.0024.